(Zukhuruf) 43 : 3
إِنَّا جَعَلْنَاهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ

Indeed We have made It a Reading in Arabic, so that you may be utilising your intelligence.

The addressees of Lord’s Book while it was revealed were the Arab. That is why the Book is revealed in Arabic language for understanding It to them. It is so for codifying their life according to its dos and don’ts, and also to witness the life of Messenger among the mankind. But they were demanding a Book in any foreign language as explained in verse 41: 44. But Adhikr-the Best Interpretation of Lord’s Book as mentioned in verse 25: 33-which is in ones’ hearts language, and in which there will not enter any falsehood, is formed in Malayalam which is a foreign language to Arab. It is the inevitable duty of Malayalees living in all over the world to translate It in to the languages they know and propagate It by downloading It from our website or by the help of Its physical copy. It helps the mankind to make the mankind aware that nothing is hidden from Allah, and everyone’s words, deeds and even thoughts are being recorded in the Book of deed fastened in everyone’s neck as explained in verses 17: 13-14. That is the only way to have a peace and tranquil life here. Then only mankind can enjoy their sustenance for the periods fixed to them. See explanation 2: 44; 21: 10; and 42: 7.